My Story
I have always had a passion for the visual arts. Growing up, I was always the artistic one in any given group that I was in. Although I started my journey by drawing and painting, as I grew older, I evolved into a graphic artist and photographer. I love to stop and ponder about the subject in front of me and how to best compose it, using the principles that I learned in college.
One of my favorite activities is to take nice long hikes on the many beautiful trails around the pacific northwest. The scenery inspires me as I look at both the small details and the wide-open spaces, then find how they all interact to make a beautiful composition.
I bring the same mindset to the beautiful homes that I have had the privilege of photographing with RePIXS. I have found that many of the principles that I have learned from the first time that I picked up a camera, translate from one subject to another. Like in nature, I like to illustrate how all of the elements within a given space interact with each other in order to meet the viewer’s eye in just the right way.
My Professional Work With RE PIXS
My Personal Work